Around Hyde Park, there is the Hyde Park Barracks, the Australian Museum and St Marys Cathedral, while to the south east, is Oxford Street. Two places of interest within the park is the ANZAC War Memorial and the Archibald Fountain.
This building, originally designed to house convicts, went through a number of uses when the shipping of convicts stopped. A hostel for orphaned girls, a female immigration depot and later, a place for aged and destitute women:
St Mary’s Cathedral was, like others, constructed over a long period of time. Started in 1868, it was not completed till 2000. A landmark building of Sydney. See more:
Oxford Street is where the Annual Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade route begins every year. Slowly, over time, it developed into the centre of the gay community in Sydney:
Hyde Park, with the Domain and the Royal Botanic Gardens form the green belt to the east of the Sydney Central Business District (CBD). Used as a green space by the early colonials since the beginning, first to attempt a water supply for the city, it was declared a park on 13 October 1810 by the then Governor Macquarie:
East Sydney CBD - Click to Zoom Out ©
Map of Sydney City Center East
City Center East
Around Hyde Park, there is the Hyde Park Barracks, the Australian Museum and St Marys Cathedral, while to the south east, is Oxford Street. Two places of interest within the park is the ANZAC War Memorial and the Archibald Fountain.
Attraction details can be found on the Sydney Attractions page.
Next Picture: Sydney Attractions (Near the Bridge) Map - Sydney Attractions (Near the Bridge) Map.
Previous Picture: Sydney Shopping District - Sydney Shopping District.
Hyde Park Barracks
This building, originally designed to house convicts, went through a number of uses when the shipping of convicts stopped. A hostel for orphaned girls, a female immigration depot and later, a place for aged and destitute women:
Hyde Park Barracks
Australian Museum
The Australian Museum explores evolution, dinosaurs, native bird life, Aborigines, mineral and biodiversity:
Australian Museum
St Marys Cathedral
St Mary’s Cathedral was, like others, constructed over a long period of time. Started in 1868, it was not completed till 2000. A landmark building of Sydney. See more:
Oxford Street
Oxford Street is where the Annual Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade route begins every year. Slowly, over time, it developed into the centre of the gay community in Sydney:
Oxford Street Darlinghurst
Hyde Park
Hyde Park, with the Domain and the Royal Botanic Gardens form the green belt to the east of the Sydney Central Business District (CBD). Used as a green space by the early colonials since the beginning, first to attempt a water supply for the city, it was declared a park on 13 October 1810 by the then Governor Macquarie:
Accommodation in the City
Main Image: East Sydney CBD - Click to Zoom Out ©
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