Australia Tourist Guide

Australia's Capital - Canberra

Australia's Capital - Canberra

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Road Conditions in Australia

Map of Australia

Driving in Australia

Considering the size of population compared to the land space of Australia and the distances involved, the roads here are quite good. However, for the more adventurous, travel may involve remote country and with it, smaller roads, even dirt tracks.

Unless travelling to very remote regions in the interior or perhaps in the far north of the continent, roads are normally sealed. On major routes, you will find multi-lane highways, particularly between the major cities.

As in many other parts of the world, tollways are increasingly being employed to fund major road improvements. To date, in Australia they have only been implemented leading to and around the outskirts of major cities. That being said, they can improve driving experiences, unless, of course, travelling during rush hours.

When road repair or construction occurs, one needs to slow down. Signs are normally posted when that happens, follow their instructions.

Road Hazards

Bushfires (Forest Fires)

Bushfires are part of the landscape in Australia, particularly in the warmer months. If and when they occur, they can cause major driving hazards as the smoke can obscure road conditions up ahead. Car accidents can be common during bushfires because of poor visibility, use your hazard lights, park offroad if you have to in clear areas.

Plan to leave early if bushfire warnings are announced.

Sometimes the fires get so hot, one needs to protected from radiated heat. If in areas that can be subject to fires, keep woolen blankets in your car. By staying below window level and covered by wool blankets, you may be protected from the heat while the fire passes. Drink water to stay hydrated.

More extensive tips on how to increase your chances to survive when driving in fire hazard conditions can be found here:

Staying Safe in the Car during Bushfire

Animal Wildlife

Yellow signs are posted along roads in areas where wildlife abounds, particularly for kangaroos and wallabies. However, other animals can also need to cross roads, such as wombats, koalas and even echidnas, sometimes signs are posted for them as well, but not always.

Many Australian marsupial animals are nocturnal, including kangaroos and wallabies. Often difficult to see, they can travel at high speed, particularly if panicked and end up in front of your car at the wrong time.

Getting Roadside Assistance

With car rentals, there is roadside assistance provided if the vehicle breaks down. Organisations such as the NRMA and the RACQ provide assistance to members around the country, and usually have reciprocal agreements with similar organisations around the country.




RACQ Roadside Assistance


Roadside Assistance | AAMI

Emergency Number

Police - Ambulance - Fire Emergency

Emergency Contact Number



Note: The Sydney travel information provided here is a guide only - call the relevant organisation(s) direct to ensure accuracy.

Australia Tourist Guide

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Australia Tourist Guide

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Topic: Travelling to Australia

Main Photo: Australia's Capital - Canberra


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